The Curious Savage
By John Patrick Directed by Shannon Cluphf AUDITION DATES Saturday, February 15 @ 2pm and Sunday, February 16 @ 2pm Please arrive at the start of auditions. Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. Bring a Resume and Headshot* (*non-professional is fine) ALL ACTORS MUST BE FULLY VACCINATED PERFORMANCE DATES May 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, June 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8 CASTING The guests Florence: 28, female presenting,a gentle disposition and a sweet smile. She lost her son at an early age and has never emotionally recovered, so she carries a doll around named John Thomas, who she treats as her son. Jeffrey: 25, male presenting, the dignity of a much older man. He is a war veteran, and is convinced that his face is badly scarred, even though his scars are strictly mental. He is an accomplished piano player, but he keeps this secret to himself and never plays. Fairy May: 20’s, female presenting, a happy, cheerful nature, however, she is a perpetual liar and she is terrified of the outside world. She desperately seeks love and approval from others. Hannibal: 30’s, male presenting, a former statistician and loves mathematics. He is quite proud of his talents as a violin player, even though he only knows two chords. He, like the other guests, is frightened of the world outside. Mrs. Paddy: 40-60, female presenting, extreme ferocity. She refuses to speak to anyone, and she is constantly turning off the lights because she hates electricity, amongst other things. Her only entertainment comes from painting seascapes. The Family Ethel Savage: 60’s, female presenting, wealthy with a youthful, mischievous spirit. She is a widow with three adult stepchildren: Lily Belle, Titus, and Samuel Savage, all of whom are after her fortune. She is clever, quick, and imaginative. Lily Belle Savage: female presenting, Mrs. Savage’s stepdaughter. She is chic, impatient, and self- assured, and she and Ethel do not get along. She has been married six times, and is extremely driven by money. Titus Savage: male presenting, Senator Savage is a well-dressed businessman of conservative taste. He is humorless and direct, and is driven by his political power and wealth. He and Ethel are not close. Samuel Savage: male presenting, The youngest Savage child. He is an undistinguished man who works as a Judge. His siblings constantly overshadow him, and his rulings in court are usually overturned. The Staff Miss Willie: 24, female presenting. She works as a caregiver at the home so that she can secretly be close to her husband, Jeffrey, who does not remember that they were married before the war. She is kind and loving, with incredible integrity. Dr. Emmett: male presenting, A kind, young doctor that treats his patients with genuine care and respect. He is highly professional, and does not get caught up in financial nor political affairs. His patients’ health and safety are his top priority. SYNOPSIS John Patrick's bittersweet comedy, about a wealthy widow whose greedy stepchildren commit her to a sanitarium, celebrates whimsy and skewers notions of "sanity" with warmth, humor and dignity. Red Herring (Reader's Theater)
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